

我们的Ph值.D. 实用神学 begins with a two year program of coursework designed to train scholar-leaders to work within a diversity of theological specializations which emphasizes deep theological formation, 方法和方法论技能, 和参与.





关于Ph值.D. 实用神学

学生学会参与, 生产, 并呈现21世纪神学与语境关系的学术著作.

The program offers a collaborative educational approach that seeks to form a community of learners at the highest level, 参与神学和相关学科的批判性对话. 你们将接受培训,进行原创研究,这将开启你们作为拼搏体育的职业生涯, 教育工作者和, 开创性的领导人.

欲知详情,请浏览 学校部网站.


  • 大学和神学院教员和行政职务
  • 训练有素,有能力的高中教师和领导
  • 担任牧师或教导牧师
  • 教会及相关机构的专业顾问
  • 在教会组织或与教会有关的组织担任领导职务



规划你的道路. 开启拼搏体育.



我们的学生来自世界各地,代表了广泛的基督教传统. 因此,我们既是“跨文化的,又是跨忏悔的”.” This creates exciting conversations and leads to new insight for doctoral learning community members while learning from their colleagues. Intercultural and interconfessional conversation is a must for quality scholarly production and this is uniquely part of the seminar 经验.

我们从第一学期开始就训练学生在学术会议上发言. We run an academic conference at the end of each semester and coach our students for success from the start.

这是对行动神学的关注, both as theologizing from the praxis of ministry as well as entering into the entire Christian theological enterprise from the standpoint of praxis, 是这个博士项目的核心. We seek to provide robust scholarly formation through a community of teaching and learning that embraces spiritual, 人类, 知识, 以及牧区层面.

这是唯一的Ph值.D. 在实践神学(PT)由我们的教师提供的神学,圣经研究,和事工. 我们独特的重点为学生提供了非凡的深度. 我们一直不受干扰地做“所有的PT”. 我们没有其他神学、圣经研究或事工方面的博士课程. 其他提供博士学位的机构.D. 实用神学 offer other doctoral specializations and relatively few courses and attention to practical theology.
我们使用两种定义来定义PT,这是非典型的,给了学生更多的选择. We approach practical theology as both “theologizing from the practice of the arts of ministry” and “a point of entrée into the entire theological enterprise from the standpoint of praxis.“这为学生的兴趣和参与提供了空间. 我们鼓励和支持广泛的专业化.
我们的学生来自世界各地,代表了广泛的基督教传统. 因此,我们既是“跨文化的,又是跨忏悔的”.” This creates exciting conversations and leads to new insight for doctoral learning community members as they work within their particular context while learning from their colleagues. 这尤其适用于实践神学,因为它强调的是实践, 不是教条主义的神学辩论. Intercultural and interconfessional conversation is a must for quality scholarly production and this is uniquely part of the seminar 经验.

我们从第一学期开始就训练学生在学术会议上发言. We run an academic conference at the end of each semester and coach our students for success from the start.
Students can petition for permission to pursue study on a distance basis by participating live in the precandidacy courses, 是在美国东部时间周一和周四下午5点到9点, 通过放大.


Applicants must have at least a master’s degree in theology or a closely related field from a regionally accredited institution in the United States or the recognized equivalent, 如果学位来自美国以外的国家. Applicants without a graduate degree in theology or a closely related field may be considered if they hold a recognized master’s degree and have 15 graduate credits in theology. Applicants in the process of completing the master’s degree at the time of admission will be considered if they can demonstrate the likelihood of completing that degree on or before the start of doctoral study. Official transcripts of all studies in institutions of higher education must be sent directly to the 招生办公室 from the institutions attended by the applicant. 最近的学位通常是最重要的文件. 申请人应安排将成绩单发送到拼搏体育, 经办人:招生, 南弗拉格勒大道901号, 邮政信箱24708, 佛罗里达州西拼搏体育 33416. 官方电子成绩单可发送至Data_Team@quanluo.net或Beth_Ross@quanluo.net.

申请人在美国以外的机构完成研究生水平课程.S. 没有得到美国政府认可的机构.S. regional accrediting organization or the equivalent must have a course-by-course and GPA equivalent evaluation conducted by an accredited member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES). PBA是NACES成员Spantran的企业客户. PBA可以直接提供PBA收到的正式成绩单的西班牙文副本. 申请人可以申请西班牙语成绩单评估表, 其中包括西班牙证书审查的付款信息, 并将此表格作为申请过程的一部分. 凭证审查的典型处理时间为10个工作日.

Applicants are urged to submit an academic-style curriculum vitae following a generally accepted format of their choosing. 这种格式通常包括一个人的教育历史列表, 经验, 以及荣誉或奖励. 参赛作品应按时间顺序降序排列. 还应列出提交的任何出版物或会议论文, 最理想的格式是遵循《拼搏体育》. 传统的简历可以代替正式的简历.

The writing sample should demonstrate the applicant’s readiness to embark upon scholarly research and writing. It will ideally be theological in nature and reflect an area of the applicant’s current scholarly interest. 它可以由一篇或多篇论文组成,但必须不少于20页. 我们鼓励但不要求申请者在写作样本中遵循《拼搏体育》.

Applicants should request at least three recommendations that give evidence of scholarly potential as well as personal 技能 for the applicant as a self-motivated and peer learner within a scholarly community of teachers and learners together. 这些信应该提到推荐人认识申请人的时间和身份, offer some specific observations about the applicant’s personal qualities and readiness to proceed to a Ph.D. 在实践神学中, 还有学术兴趣, 如果已知, 以及远距离有效学习的潜力, 这是推荐人觉得有能力评论的事情. 三封信函中至少两封由具有博士学位的拼搏体育撰写, 最好是神学家, 谁应该特别证明申请人对神学奖学金的准备. 建议 should be in the traditional form of a letter on letterhead and should be sent as scanned attached files to the Program Director directly from the person writing the letter of recommendation.

Applicants from a country where English is not the primary language of instruction are required to submit the results of an English language proficiency exam, 比如托福(最低79分), 雅思(至少6分).5)或Duolingo(最低105). This is not required for applicants holding an undergraduate or graduate degree from an institution in the U.S. 或者申请人在美国以外的地方完成了英语课程的学习.S

This is a 3-5 page articulation of the applicant’s background and aspirations sufficient to understand why the applicant seeks a Ph.D. 在实践神学中. 申请人应表现出对博士学位的方法和设计的理解.D. 计划,包括适合申请人兴趣的特定课程要求. 关于申请人智力兴趣的细节, 包括潜在的论文研究, 应该包括在内. 应该使用标题. 有些人认为回答三个主要问题很有帮助:“为什么博士学位.D.?”“为什么是实践神学?”“为什么是PBA?希望远程参与的申请人(仅限同步), courses meet on Mondays and Thursdays from 5-9pm Eastern Time) should include a brief request to pursue pre-candidacy studies on a distance basis, 注意电脑设备是否充足, 互联网接入, 以及在线体验,方便远程参与. They should also note their acceptance of the requirement to participate in person for the opening weekend and end-of-semester academic conference in every fall and spring semester of pre-candidacy.

这是整个过程中最重要的一部分. 在截止日期之前提交了所有其他必需的文件之后,就会发生这种情况, 通常是1月31日. 因为教职员工集体负责录取决定, 个人面试在核心博士教员面前进行. 面试由博士主任组织和安排.D. 课程,通常在二月底. 他们将与申请人通过基于互联网的视频连接进行视频会议. 申请人有责任确保其信号和设备的质量


让美丽的西拼搏体育沐浴阳光, 温暖, 和原始的海滩——激励你与基督建立更深的关系.




电话: (561) 803-2100




The major in ministry at 拼搏体育 is designed to assist you in acquiring and developing the knowledge and 技能 necessary for ministry leadership within a church or parachurch organization. 在事工中,人的品格对事工的领导是绝对重要的.

部门领导研究,B.A. (儿童事工专业)

The Bachelor of Arts in Ministry with a concentration in Student Ministries provides students with the knowledge, 技能, 而这些品质对于卓有成效的中学青少年事工是必不可少的, 高中, 大学主要有两个方面:(1)领导能力和组织能力, (2)促进发展的技能, 培养, 照顾青少年.



完成21学分的核心课程, 额外的需求, 还有辅修牧师专业的选修课程.